Sunday, February 27, 2011

Schnappsie, The Wonder Dog!

We have recently had the pleasure of working with a new client who, by themselves, have been a breath of fresh air!  They are educated, concerned, interested dog parents who are dedicated to providing their pet with the proper doggy education.  This is exciting for us, as these traits are sometimes a rare thing in our business.  It's no wonder, then, that their scruffy, rough-and-tumble street rescue dog, "Schnappsie", is turning out to be such a pleasure to care for and train!

Schnappsie came to them from the Mean Streets of Los Angeles, where, more than likely, she was battling for every scrap of food and doing her doggone best to find a safe, warm place to lay her dog-tired head at night.  There's no doubt that she had a rough "puppyhood"!  This is why it's such a wonder that she's blossomed in to the happy, smart, eager-to-please bundle of energy that we are caring for today.  It's obvious that something "magical" has happened!

That "magic" came in the form of her new Dog Parents.  Schnappsie is obviously loved!  Her new owners' dedication to showering Schnappsie with plenty of affection and patience while helping her to overcome her rough start in life has made all the difference!  They are loving, kind, and patient with her, but also firm and "no nonsense" (which we know all adolescents need!).  During a recent visit to their home with a trainer, mom and dad were both fully engaged in the conversation, asking questions, and ALSO eager to please!  Who says you can't teach an old dog parent new tricks?!  :)

The end result of that short training session was a dog who, for all intents and purposes, was a happy, well-adjusted, VERY intelligent pooch!  She showed no outward signs of her "street dog" experience at all!  And, even more astounding, her ability to learn new tricks was AMAZING!  The trainer even commented:  "She's SO smart!  I could have her running a course and spinning in circles in one afternoon!"  Wow!  All of this from a dog who, had she not been rescued from the streets, would probably not have had a chance to provide so much joy.

We're so grateful that there are folks out there who are willing to look past a dog's scruffy exterior to find the heart of gold underneath!  If you're considering buying a "designer dog", or have your heart set on an adorable purebred, don't do it!  Schnappsie is one of the happiest, most intelligent, eager to please dogs that we've seen in 6 years of pet sitting, and that says a lot!  All she needed was a chance to shine!

Recipie for the PERFECT Dog:

1 Part Street Smarts
2 Parts Willingness to Learn
1 Cute Face (couldn't hurt!)
1 Heaping Helping of Dedication
2 Big Squeezes of Love and Patience
2 Parents Consistent With Training

Enter:  Schnappsie, The Wonder Dog!

Schnapsie, The Wonder Dog!


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